The Intrinsic Motions of Matter
John A. Gowan
(revised May, 2011)


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The "intrinsic motions" of matter demonstrate conservation law and cosmic order in nature. The Universe, and everything in it, is always in some type of motion, whether absolute, relative, intrinsic, entropic, atomic, orbital, biological, or evolutionary. I distinguish between intrinsic dimensional motions such as time and gravitation (primordial entropy drives), and other non-dimensional types of intrinsic motion, such as that of electrons in atomic orbits. Both types of intrinsic motion create entropic domains, whether of space, history, or information.

Table of Contents


Intrinsic motions of any kind are expressions of the conservation laws (Energy and Symmetry conservation) and their corollaries (Entropy and Causality-Information) (see: "The Tetrahedron Model"). While in the case of free electromagnetic energy, the intrinsic motion of light can be traced to Entropy and Symmetry conservation in the service of Energy Conservation, the intrinsic (dimensional) motions of matter (time, gravity) involve in addition a third principle, Causality-Information, also serving Energy Conservation. Bound energy is asymmetric information, essentially the matter half of the information contained in light's particle-antiparticle form. This information is carried as charge, spin, mass, momentum, identity, location, quantum numbers, etc., conserved attributes of the energy, entropy, symmetry, and dimensionality of the light which created the particle-antiparticle pairs. The purpose of the charge component of this information set is to ensure and facilitate the immediate annihilation of the particle-antiparticle pairs, conserving and protecting the symmetry of the light which created them. Although matter is isolated from antimatter during the Big Bang, this symmetry-conservation purpose remains unaltered through time, resulting in matter's eternal search for antimatter, and in the ultimate return of bound energy to light via gravitationally driven processes such as the conversion of mass to light in stars, quasars, and Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes; or via radioactivity, particle and proton decay.

The development of life and the Information Pathway is a probable outcome of the intersection of the negentropic gravitational drive and the 4x3 Fractal Algorithm of the material Cosmos. Not only does life allow the Universe self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-appreciation, and a new creative possibility through humanity and the abstraction of information, but the information pathway also represents a parallel or biotic route for the conversion of bound to free energy, of which our development of the hydrogen bomb and the pursuit of fusion energy technology is only the most current and highly evolved of many lesser examples.

Noether's Theorem

In 1918 the German mathematician Emmy Noether published a theorem which has become of pivotal importance in the attempt to formulate a Unified Field Theory. "Noether's Theorem" states that in a multicomponent field, such as the metric field of spacetime or the electromagnetic field of light, where one finds a symmetry, one finds an associated conservation law, and vice versa. In Nature, the conserved charges (and spin) of particles, and the inertial and gravitational forces of spacetime, are Noether's Theorem enforced and demonstrated.

Elsewhere in these pages I have made much of the intrinsic motion of light or massless free electromagnetic energy. Below I consider the various intrinsic motions (dimensional and otherwise) of atomic matter or massive forms of bound electromagnetic energy.

The Dimensional Intrinsic Motions of Matter
(primordial entropy drives of bound electromagnetic energy)

(Conservation of the symmetric characteristics of light's wave form: light's "non-local" metric and distributional symmetry - light's spacetime "Interval" = zero. The "location" charge of gravitation and matter's search for a return pathway to symmetric light: gravity is matter's memory it once was light.)

G, T (gravitation, time): these are the dimensional intrinsic motions of matter, the primordial forms of matter's historical Entropy drive (as required by the Conservation of Energy and Causality). (See: "A Description of Gravitation"; see also: "Spatial vs Temporal Entropy".)

1) Gravitation: gravity is the spatial consequence of the intrinsic motion of time; conversely, time is created by the gravitational annihilation of space. Time and gravity induce each other endlessly, much as electric and magnetic fields induce each other. Implicit time (in the form of "frequency") is the hidden spatial entropy drive of free electromagnetic energy ("intrinsic motion c"); explicit time is the primordial historical entropy drive of bound electromagnetic energy ("intrinsic motion T"). Time is the common factor between c and G. The magnitude of "G" (the universal gravitational constant) is determined by the energetic difference between implicit and explicit time, the energy required to create asymmetric explicit time from symmetric implicit time (in other words, G represents the energy required to create the "one-way" entropy drive of matter (the intrinsic motion of time and history) from the "all-way" entropy drive of light (the intrinsic motion of light and space)). A "graviton" is a quantum unit of time or negative entropy. Gravity is both a symmetry and an entropy debt of light. The gravitational charge is "location", which specifies the spacetime location of bound energy. Time is the active principle of the "location" charge, a charge with an intrinsic one-way dimensional motion. (See: "The Conversion of Space to Time", and "Gravity Diagram No. 2".)

The negative gravitational energy of matter is borrowed from the expansion of space (that is, borrowed from the positive spatial entropy drive of light), consequently decelerating the Cosmos. The negative gravitational energy of matter exactly equals the positive rest mass energy of matter, enabling the creation of bound energy from zero net energy during the process of symmetry-breaking in the "Creation Event" or "Big Bang". Even so, matter is created with symmetry debts conserved as charges (Noether's Theorem). The quality of energy must be conserved no less than its quantity. Gravitation pays the "entropy-interest" on matter's symmetry debts by converting space to the time dimension in which these debts must be conserved and eventually repaid. In the historical domain, charge conservation has a significance (for Information and Causality: "Karma") which goes beyond the immediate annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs. In the creation of matter's asymmetric historical domain, the role of the alternative charge carriers (electrons, neutrinos, mesons) is also crucial. (See: "The Origin of Matter and Information"; see also: "The Double Conservation Role of Gravitation".)

1a) Gravity:

Gravity is matter's memory it once was light.
See: "Gravity, Entropy, and Thermodynamics"; "A Rationale for Gravity"; "The Double Conservation Role of Gravitation".

2) Time: the intrinsic motion of bound energy's time dimension (which causes the expansion of history) is derived from the intrinsic motion of free energy (which causes the expansion of space). The entropy drive of matter (explicit time) is derived from the entropy drive of light (implicit time), a debit which causes the gravitational deceleration of the spatial expansion of the Cosmos. Similarly, the raw energy content of matter is derived from the raw energy content of light (hv = mcc), and the charges, spin, inertial and gravitational state of matter represent conserved debts of light's symmetric energy state (in accordance with Noether's Theorem). Both light and matter are entropic forms of energy, but the dimensional entropy drive and conservation domain of matter (the intrinsic motion of time, history) is at "right angles" to matter's spatial dimensions, whereas light's entropy drive and conservation domain (the intrinsic motion of light, space) is completely conjoined with light's spatial dimensions. (See: "The Time Train", and: "The Half-life of Proton Decay and the 'Heat Death' of the Universe".)

Matter is distinct from its entropy domain (history, historic spacetime - the conservation domain of information and matter's "causal matrix"), whereas light is identified with its entropic domain (space - the conservation domain of free energy and light's regulatory metric). Gravitation is a complex dimensional symmetry debt or energy penalty (involving both Entropy and Symmetry), which matter must pay for this separation from its entropy/conservation domain (and for which we, as sentient beings, also pay psychologically). Gravitation creates matter's separate time dimension via the annihilation of space and the extraction of a metrically equivalent temporal residue (light's implicit temporal entropy drive is converted to matter's explicit temporal entropy drive). The separate time dimension created by gravity is necessary to allow matter to move in time as fast as light moves in space, in other words, the entropy drives of matter and light are metrically equilibrated by the gravitational extraction/conversion of time from space (or the reverse - as in the gravitational conversion of mass/time to light/space in stars, quasars, Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes, etc.). Matter cannot move in space as fast as light, but it can do so in metrically equivalent time, which is the conservation rationale for the gravitational conversion of space to time. Matter's symmetry debts are quantized as charges which are payable (via matter-antimatter annihilation) in undiminished magnitude at some indeterminate, contingent, future position in the historical dimension. The Cosmos is a "buy-now pay-later" charge-conserved 4-dimensional entropic domain operating on the "credit card" of gravity, which pays the entropy-"interest" on the symmetry debt of matter, creating historic spacetime, a compound conservation/entropic domain simultaneously accommodating both free and bound forms of electromagnetic energy. (See: "Entropy, Gravitation, and Thermodynamics".)

2a) Time - Causality:

Abiotic Non-Dimensional Intrinsic Motions of Matter
(Conservation of the symmetric characteristics of light's particle form: light's particle-antiparticle symmetry - "particle number" = zero. Matter's search for antimatter: the charges of matter are the symmetry debts of light. See: "Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory".)

The non-dimensional intrinsic motions of matter include, but are not limited to:

3) Electromagnetic Force:

4) Strong Force: (within baryons - gluon exchange - Gell-Mann)

Quarks are chiefly carriers of mass, fractional charges, momentum, and concentrated energy (E = mcc). The principle of "Asymptotic Freedom" makes possible proton decay. Mesons also function as alternative fractional charge carriers for quark color, flavor, and charge, in baryon decays and transformations, and as the field vectors of the "Yukawa strong force", converting protons and neutrons into "nucleons" in compound atomic nuclei. The fractional charges of quarks are permanently confined to baryons and mesons by the exchange of gluons, protecting whole quantum units of charge and thereby protecting charge and symmetry conservation.

5) Strong Force (between baryons - meson exchange - Yukawa)

6) Weak Force:

7) Chemical Compounding (molecules):

Biological and Emergent States of Intrinsic Motion in the Information Realm

Dimensional intrinsic motions of light, time, and gravity create the entropic domains of space, history, and historic spacetime. The non-dimensional intrinsic motions of matter also create a dimensional entropic domain of Information, both in the abiotic realm of nuclear and chemical information, but especially in the biotic realm of life and genetics, which seems to be the whole point of the exercise. The universe achieves self-awareness through this ceaseless intrinsic and evidently purposeful activity which drives toward ever-higher states of information. Hence we must name life and the "life force" as the culmination of the Causality-Information apex of the "Tetrahedron Model", a force or conservation goal of equal importance with and supported by the conservation of Energy, Symmetry, and Entropy. Humans have carried the evolution of information into the abstract realms of thought, imagination, language, math, music, art, science, and technology, including machine language. In the information domain, negative entropy drives are supplied by gravity and Darwin's Natural Selection, while positive entropy drives are seen in the forms of genetic mutation, aging, death, decay, and radioactivity. (See: "The Information Pathway".)

8) Life and Evolution (driven by negentropic gravitational energy and the 4x3 Fractal Algorithm of the material Cosmos). Creation of the information domain of biology by gravity, the nucleosynthetic pathway, carbon chemistry, DNA, genetics, and evolutionary forces (via Natural Selection).
See: "The Information Pathway", "The Fractal Organization of Nature", "Newton, Darwin, and the Origin and Abundance of Life in the Cosmos".

9) The Self-Awareness Drive of the Biological Cosmos (the search for consciousness via the information pathway and the fractal algorithm of the Cosmos:

10) Evolution toward humanity, language, spirituality, and aesthetic appreciation (the reprise or conservation of Cosmic Connectedness, Unity, Wholeness, and the higher system expressions of Noether's Theorem of symmetry conservation and the 4x3 Fractal Algorithm) (humans only):

11) Return of matter to light via all forces - proton decay, gravity, and matter-antimatter annihilations, including the technological, spiritual, artistic, and intellectual Information Pathway - via fusion energy, fast spaceships, "Enlightenment", aesthetics, and formulation of the "Unified Field Theory":

12) Chardin's "Omega Point" of total, universal self-awareness and self-knowledge:

The Motions of Time and Space

Readers may suppose that the intrinsic motion of space, time, and spacetime referred to in these pages is simply metaphorical or a mathematical formalism rather than literal motion, but these are actual motions, usually in the sense or form of entropic expansions or contractions of spacetime. Below I list examples of (or evidence for) these metrical or spacetime motions (which usually serve some type of entropy function) that are either familiar or a commonplace of physics.

1) Einstein's "Equivalence Principle": the physical acceleration of an observer through spacetime is indistinguishable from the action of a gravitational field (gravitation is the actual accelerated motion of spacetime). The "g" forces of gravity and accelerated motion are identical (at small scales).

2) Inflation; the inflationary expansion of spacetime during the "Big Bang" (?) (remains controversial)

3) The cosmic expansion of spacetime (the "Hubble flow" - cosmological red shift) - including the acceleration and deceleration of the cosmic expansion by gravitation.

4) Entropy - the intrinsic motions of time, light, and gravitation (c, T, G), and the creation of dimensionality (space, history, historic spacetime); the "infinite velocities" of time and light (and of gravity or spacetime in black holes).

5) Causality - time; the one-way march of time and the temporal-causal ordering and linkage of material events ("karma"); the expansion of history and historic spacetime (a rationale for gravitation). (Historic spacetime is the (abiotic) conservaton domain of information and matter's "causal matrix". The "genome" is a molecular or biotic conservation domain for information, lacking most of the one-way temporal component of history).

6) Gravity and the effects of General Relativity - the warpage or "curvature" of spacetime by gravitational acceleration. The gravitational bending of light rays. All things (including light) fall with the same velocity in a gravitational field due to the uniform accelerated flow of spacetime (which is the spatial consequence of time's intrinsic motion into history).

7) Black holes - spacetime moves at velocity c, time stands still in the "event horizon", where g = c.

8) "Frame dragging" and the distortion of spacetime by rotating black holes or other gravitational sources. (Recently confirmed. See: Science Vol. 332, 6 May 2011, page 649.)

9) Gravity waves.
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